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Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly:
Book Reviews

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly reviews recent books of interest to scholars, practitioners, and specialists in the many subfields of journalism and mass communication.  We review primarily research-based scholarly works.  However, we also review memoirs and other works by scholars, practitioners, and critics.  With a few exceptions, we do not review later editions of already published volumes.  Also, we do not review textbooks or works that focus on professional skills; Journalism & Mass Communication Educator reviews those types of volumes.

Book reviews play an important role in our related disciplines, moving them forward not only through summarizing published work, but also by critically engaging with its theoretical frameworks, arguments, empirical designs, findings, and implications.  Most of the reviews we publish are of single volumes.  However, we also publish longer, theme-oriented reviews covering two or more related volumes, including the reviewer’s more general comments on the subject area.

On this site you will find guidelines for writing reviews, as well as a list of books available for review.  The list is regularly updated by the book reviews editor, who reaches out to book publishers in our related fields.  Your input, too, is vital: please notify me at if you have recently published a book or if you are aware of a new book that you think belongs on the list.

If you are interested in reviewing for JMCQ, you are welcome to contact me and propose a book (or books) from the list.  You may also suggest a book (or books) not on the list that you wish to review.  Current and prospective reviewers should feel free to encourage peers at your academic institutions to review books for JMCQ.


Publishers are welcome to contact us and bring to our attention books they think should be added to the list.  We ask publishers not to send review copies directly to us.  After we commission a review, we will contact a representative from your publishing house to send the book directly to the reviewer.


Gregory P. Perreault (

Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly

Book Review Editor

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